wrapping school photo

We embarked on our journey as an exclusive ribbon store in 1922, and have since evolved into a manufacturer of a wide array of more than 10,000 packaging materials. We offer a platform to acquire practical skills, leveraging the wrapping techniques and expertise we’ve honed over our extensive history.

  • Workshops

    Our workshops offer a hands-on experience, imparting techniques and creativity exclusive to ribbon crafting. These fun and easy-to-follow sessions can be attended either in-person at our Tokyo Ribbon Head Office or virtually via online lessons.

    Go to Workshops details.

  • Variety Lessons

    These lessons are designed to offer hands-on, individualized learning experiences using your personal packaging materials. The agenda and specifics will be customized and pre-discussed with each client. Be aware that the process from initial inquiry to actual lessons may span a few days.

    Go to Variety Lessons details.

  • Original Lessons

    We will tailor a program to meet your specific needs, whether it’s for gift wrapping training or store inauguration preparation. For sessions lasting 2 hours and accommodating 3 or more participants, or in cases where an instructor needs to be sent to your location, a separate estimate will be provided after further discussion.

    Go to Original Lessons details.