
Our company started its business as a haberdashery dealer (sash clips, ornamental hairpins) in Yotsuya, Shinjuku, Tokyo at the end of the Meiji period.
Ribbons for hair were sold as one of the haberdashery products at the time, and although ribbons had previously been limited to use for hair, there were customers’ requests at the time to use ribbons for flower decorations, which were met. This was the first opportunity for ribbons to be used in a variety of industries, and in 1921, a new store specializing in ribbons was established.

The products we sell are intended to increase the added value of things.
The added value is to give shape to the thoughts and feelings of the person giving the gift through colors and materials. We believe that communication with our customers is very important for coming up with concepts that form these ideas and the various thoughts behind them and for coming up with solutions.

As we learn to be considerate towards customers through our work, we hope that this will naturally lead to awareness and consideration among staff members, and that this will further increase the vitality and sense of unity of the company as a whole.

We would be happy if our customers would choose us as an expert consultant when they want to make their work more enjoyable, easier, and increase sales, and we will do our best to become that kind of adviser.

As “Tokyo Ribbon conveys the heart” from now on as well, we would like to continue to help connect people by transforming the love and gratitude of the giver into color and shape.

Tokyo Ribbon Co., Ltd.
Yoichiro Kawahara
Representative Director and President