We support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

In line with our management philosophy of “Tokyo Ribbon conveys the heart—Conveying the heart of the giver, touching the heart of the recipient ,” we will continue to respond to the changes of the times and provide new services while never forgetting the spirit of learning from the past. We appreciate your continued support and encouragement.

  • We will support Pink Ribbon Activities through products and donations, and strive to achieve gender equality through the appointment of female staff and rainbow-colored products.

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  • By using LIMEX and SOY ink, recycled paper, and PET bottles as raw materials, we will use alternative products to paper and plastic and manufacture products that are environmentally friendly.

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  • We aim to improve the skills of our staff by taking various qualification exams, conducting internal and external training such as visiting local exhibitions and holding seminars, and strive to provide even better proposals to our customers and the local community.

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  • We will continue to promote energy savings through digitalization to support paperless operations and switching to LED lights. We will formulate a business continuity plan (BCP) in the event of a disaster to ensure the safety of our staff.

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  • We will promote full and productive employment of staff with decent and humane working conditions by introducing various leave systems, encouraging people to work from home, allowing side jobs, raising the retirement age system, etc.

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  • We will promote the recruitment of employees regardless of nationality and strive to eliminate inequality in the country. We also incorporate various cultures into our company and provide our customers with fun products and services.

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What are SDGs?

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are international goals for the period from 2016 to 2030 listed in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted at the United Nations Summit in September 2015. These consist of 17 goals and 169 targets to realize a sustainable world, and are a pledge to leave no one behind on the earth.